Hello, I am Lukas Stiefelhagen, 17 years old, and I'm a carbon-neutral racing driver. Early 2020, I stepped into a go-kart for the first time and was immediately hooked on racing. In 2021-2022 I became champion in three 4-stroke karting series. I switched to car racing in 2023. In the PTC Racing Cup, I became champion in the rookie classification. And in 2024, I finished fourth in the international, full-electric NXT Gen Cup. As a sustainability ambassador for the KNAF, I try to do my bit in making the sport more sustainable. If you are interested in a cooperation with us, and in supporting me in my ambitions, please get in touch!
2024 P4 electric NXT Gen Cup (DTM)
2023 champion PTC Racing Cup rookies (P5 overall)
2021-2022 karting champion in three 4-stroke series
My plan is to step-by-step further develop myself as a race driver in motorsport series that fit me. Making a contribution to more sustainable racing for the future, is my mission. To start with, we annually offset our (remaining) CO2 emissions. We also actively promote the electrification of racing and the use of biofuel. In addition, I make extensive use of SIM-racing in reaching my training milage. Furthermore, my father has been a member of the KNAF's Sustainability Committee since its start-up. It is my ambition to become a professional race driver for a factory team competing in sustainable series (electric or biofuel) in endurance racing, the highest GT competitions, or single seaters. At my 21st, I wish to be in the 24 Hours of Le Mans!
In racing, sponsorship is very important. We distinguish partners and sponsors, with whom we cooperate in different ways in our sponsorship programme. Our partners and sponsors are directly linked to my ambitions and goals, and to my development and performance as an athlete. It is completely clear from the start what your financial contribution will be spent on. As our partner, we make you highly visible, and in addition, we have come up with all kinds of original quid pro quos and collaborations.
Here is an overview of LSgofast's current partners and sponsors; together at the start!
Are you also interested in cooperating with us? We have a creative sponsorship proposal ready to send out to you, explaining exactly what we have to offer.
This is subject to our sponsor policy as below.
[We werken, vooralsnog, alleen samen met bedrijven met een inschrijving in de Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel en een Nederlandse vestiging. Het willen ondersteunen van jong talent en van verduurzaming in de racesport vormt een belangrijk uitgangspunt in de samenwerking. Met een geïnteresseerde partij vindt eerst een persoonlijk gesprek plaats, waarin we onze doelen en werkwijze presenteren, wederzijdse verwachtingen inventariseren, en afspraken maken over de te leveren tegenprestaties. Vervolgens worden de gemaakte afspraken vastgelegd in een beknopt contract, voordat de sponsor onze factuur ontvangt. Bedrijven uit de volgende sectoren worden door ons in ieder geval uitgesloten: tabak, alcohol, cannabis en andere verdovende middelen, gokken, wapenindustrie, seksindustrie, bio-industrie, handel in bedreigde diersoorten, bont en speciaal leer, dierproeven, gevaarlijke stoffen, winning van conflictmineralen, kernenergie, of aanverwant, en bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij schendingen van wetten, gedragscodes of conventies. Naast de sponsoring van bedrijven staan wij open voor girale donaties en giften uit de familie- en kennissenkring, of afkomstig van erkende crowdfunding platforms voor de sport met een ANBI status. Laatst gewijzigd: 11 februari 2023.]
Electric NXT Gen Cup (DTM) - P4 overall
Other results:
ACNN PTC Racing Cup - Champion Rookies (P5 overall, winner SuperSpa)
Other results:
KNAF NXT GP Dutch Open - Champion RK1 Junior
Dutch Superlap - Champion Peugeot106 Junior Cup
Other results:
NXT GP Dutch Open - Champion Super Cadet 9hp
KNAF National Championship Rental Karting - Dutch Champion KIDs
Starter’s course karting and first races
We would love to hear from you ! Please contact us by e-mail lsgofast@lukasstiefelhagen.nl, on Instagram, Facebook, or through this webpage.